About Us

About Annixpo

Annixpo is a female related Bangladeshi blog site. It has started its journey in January 2020. To help our women and make them conscious of their lifestyle is the main purpose of our site. We want to create positive vibes towards our women through this website.

We know women of our society play a vital role in every sector of our country. Without their contribution, we cannot think of our single life. From our wake up till bed, we are blessed by having them on our side. Not only as a homemaker but also by contributing to the development of the society they help us. To reform the world they are performing equal to the man. Unfortunately, with the changes of phenomenal across the world our women are not benefited that much. Still, now they are suffering the same status and fate. They are humiliated by others until today. Only caring about themselves and conscious about their own rights can change this. They need to look after their betterment. They have to love themselves the most. All of their duties and responsibilities about themselves need to be clear to themselves. They have to be smart and energetic to boost up themselves. They need to know to ignore the wrong concepts, wrong thoughts, and all the negativity. Only then they can help themselves. We create this platform to know themselves deeply on their own. When they can find the lacking of her, then they can make themselves confident, energetic, and smart. As a result, our society, as well as world, will be more lively and vivacious.


Mission & Vision

Our main concern is to serve our women the best service, help themselves to look forward for their betterment. We want to make them confident and free. When they start to find themselves as a human at that time they will be a real woman. A real woman has the power to change everything.A woman’s lifestyle is very important in this regard. If she follows a healthy and organized lifestyle she will be able to gain a joyful life. It helps to create a love for themselves. When women will start to love themselves, they will start gaining positivity. Then they will able to spread that positivity among all of us. In our site, we want to help them by providing various necessary and informative information. These are really important for them to improve themselves.


We have various sections –

  • Lifestyle
  • Health
  • Rhetoric
  • Food and Recipes
  • Entertainment
  • Others

Here, we try to discuss about the details information about individual topics. By discussing about these, we try to keep them updated about the surroundings as well as the whole world.

Our main motto is to make our female confident and efficient in today’s world. We want to show them, their equality and importance to our society.

All woman deserves respect and equality and it needs to be ensured by them. When they will be conscious about themselves they will come to know how to gain it. We want to work for that until we gain it.